Sheet Pan BBQ Tofu

Sheet Pan BBQ Tofu

This is tofu like you’ve never seen it before.

Like, tofu with a spice crust. (YES! THANK YOU!) Tofu that feels worthy of building a meal around. Tofu that you can eat off the pan as a snack.

This is sheet pan BBQ Tofu, and it is an end-of-summer, healthy eating lifesaver.

BBQ spice crust coming atcha:

I just really love tofu, you guys (Exhibit A).

The extra-nice thing about this BBQ Tofu (besides the spice crust) is that you can serve it with any end-of-summer thing that your little heart loves.

Ideas include: roasted sweet potatoes, zucchini, sweet corn, green beans, avocado, quinoa, rice, coleslaw, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, AN-Y-THING.

My favorite combo is sweet potato, quinoa, green beans, and corn.

Shall we investigate the spice crust one more time?

BBQ Tofu is awesome because:

  • It’s stupidly easy.
  • It’s hands-off (SHEET PAN FTW).
  • It’s a good source of protein.
  • It’s vegan!
  • It’s goes with… kind of everything.
  • It keeps in the fridge.
  • IT. IS. SO. GOOD.

The extra-nice thing about this BBQ Tofu (besides the spice crust) is that you can serve it with any end-of-summer thing that your little heart loves.

Ideas include: roasted sweet potatoes, zucchini, sweet corn, green beans, avocado, quinoa, rice, coleslaw, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, AN-Y-THING.

My favorite combo is sweet potato, quinoa, green beans, and corn.

Shall we investigate the spice crust one more time?

Ideas include: roasted sweet potatoes, zucchini, sweet corn, green beans, avocado, quinoa, rice, coleslaw, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, AN-Y-THING.

Okay, and sauce. It’s important. I like a squeeze of honey and hot sauce for a low maintenance version, and green tahini for a fancy girl version. Magic green sauce would be very acceptable as well, and this beautifully easy honey mustard kind of sounds like the best of all worlds.

Check out our video for how to make BBQ Tofu:

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