All About the WP COVID-19 Schema, You Must Know!

COVID 19, with the first case reported in 2019 in Wuhan, China with an extensive global widespread has turned into a Pandemic nightmare. Media is flooding up with breaking news regarding its spread and death rates in several countries. Amidst this crisis, a database management system or an efficient schema to keep the public informed is the need of the hour.
The topic COVID-19 is quite unavoidable, so is the need to aggregate and manage a huge amount of important data. Many companies and developers have resorted to developing schema plugins to support educational institutions, health care facilities and even the government agencies to ensure effective data management.
The novel WP COVID-19 Schema plugin is a footstep taken by Sweans Technologies to support hospitals and schools during this COVID-19 pandemic.
So, let us dig deep into the details.
The Schema
Schema is referred to as a structured data vocabulary defining actions, relationships and entities on the web. It is basically the code associated with the website that helps the users to get more informative results from the search engine. It enables the proper categorization of content. It is possible to add the elements and attributes of Schema to the HTML code of a page and thus enabling to provide additional information to the users easily. The Schema enables to convey the meaning or explanation of the data effectively and plays a vital role in internet communication.
The COVID-19 Schema
The published version 7.0 of coronavirus-related structured data type, on 16th March 2020. These were a fast-tracked data types released, keeping the COVID-19 pandemic in mind. The founders, including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex, might soon start implementing necessary schema styles in their search results.
It included “SpecialAnnouncement” feature that efficiently provided up to date textual updates as well as markup to associate the announcement with a situation. It also involved the URLs for all different kinds of updates such information about getting tested, quarantine guidelines, public transport closures, school closures, travel bans and much more.
The “CovidTestingFacility” was also introduced with the update to represent various testing facilities being established worldwide at a rapid phase to handle the pandemic. The data type includes both long-established medical facilities as well as the new temporary one adapted to the pandemic.
Well, there are more upcoming updates and as per the authors, the team is open to suggestions for improvements and additions particularly from organizations who are publishing such updates.
WP-COVID-19 Schema Plugin
With a large number of important announcement about COVID-19 pandemic, from the rescheduling of events to closure of facilities like schools and hospitals; from the availability of medical testing to quarantine, everything must be updated efficiently in the websites.
Sweans Technologies, a London based technology company has released an efficient Schema data typeWordPress Plugin named WP-COVID 19 Schema. It is built in the light of special announcements to the public made by the schools’ and hospitals’ websites. It supports the website and efficiently keeps the public informed regarding the changes in schedule, availability or closure of facilities in these centre’s.
Essential Features
The WP COVID -19 Schema is a standard implementation as a WordPress plugin and thus integration into schools or hospital website is quite easy.
This schema type has been introduced recently and the search engines are still working on the usage of these snippets for the benefit of the public. Due to the severity of the pandemic, it’s for sure that they will give more importance to the website with these snippets.
The launch of this service on their website can be announced and this will be shown in Google and Yahoo search results once that companies incorporate this schema in their search result. It is also expected that the crawlers in the search engine can interpret data in a better way with the implementation of the schema.
The key features are briefly summarized below:
- COVID -19 test facility announcement
One of the most important things that hospitals need to be doing to help understand and stop the spread of COVID-19 is testing. The data around testing is really important. The numbers change quickly, and data needs to be managed properly. The plugin has been created for supporting hospital website for efficient data structuring. The hospital website must announce the testing facility adequately to the public and the plugin enables quick and effectivetest facility announcement in the website.
- School closure announcement because of Coronavirus pandemic
The Covid-19 Schema plugin is also applicable to school websites. If a school decides the closure, this can be published immediately on the websites, which is possible with this plugin support. Thus, the information can be passed to the public without any delay.
Summing Up
All About the WP COVID-19 Schema you must know!Thus, it is good to see that many companies are contributing to effective novel technologies to meet the data management facilities during the crisis of COVID 19. The WP COVID-19 schema is one such plugin of great use, created as an effort to support during the crisis.