A guide to Progressive Web Application (PWA)

A progressive web application takes advantage of the latest technologies and combines the best of mobile and web apps. It can provide additional features based on what the device supports, push notifications, providing the offline capability, and almost native app look and speed, and local caching of resources.
It is the latest trend in mobile application development using web technologies. A Progressive Web App is a website that is developed with specific techniques that make the mobile experience much more pleasant than a standard mobile-optimized site.
It allows developers to deliver web-based applications that rival, or even out-perform the native apps user experience.
How PWA works?
PWAs allow users to install the website as an icon on the home screen of their phones based on how frequently they visit your website.
When users go to your site with the PWA, they are asked if they wish to install the app on their phones. PWA’s are not in the Google Market or App Store market. It means that you do not need Apple’s or Google’s approval to be in users’ pockets. It gives you the freedom to release updates whenever you want, without having to go through the standard approval processes.
5 Benefits of PWA
What are the advantages of making a PWA?
- Cost-effective
For an app publisher, the most significant advantage is the cost-saving in terms of app development and maintenance.
- Cross-platform
Any specific platform does not limit PWA. That means you do not need to make separate versions of the app for Android and iOS.
- Reliable
Instant loads and never show the down sour, even in uncertain network conditions. PWAs use less data than regular mobile apps, so they first took off in emerging markets that suffer from poor internet connectivity.
- Fast
Quick responses to user interactions with smooth animations and scrolling.
- User-friendly
Engaging and feel like a native app on the device, with an immersive user experience that allows them to earn a place on the user’s home screen.
Key Challenges of PWA
- Limited in functions: PWA does not have support for any hardware that is not supported by HTML5
- Limited in legitimacy: As there is no central download Store for PWA, they lack in giving a sense of legitimacy and confidence, which is usually given by native apps from the Play Store/App Store.
- Cross Application Login Support: Native apps have the capability to talk to other apps and authenticate logins (Facebook, Twitter, Google). As a web page PWA does not have the capability to communicate with other apps installed.
- Browsers: It may not have cross-browser support. Yes, Chrome, Opera, and Samsung’s Android browser support PWA, while IE and Edge do not do that yet. You can use PWA with Safari, but it does not support push messages.
8 Core Concepts of PWA
1.It feels like an app
A PWA is so much more comfortable to use on your phone because it does not feel like a website but rather like an application.
2. Works offline
A PWA uses the device’s storage to provide an offline experience.
3.Easy to install
Once you open the PWA powered site, it will offer you the option of installing the app on your home screen.
4.Continuously engaging its users
PWA push notifications involve users, helping you re-discover your app even after it has been installed.
5. SEO discoverable
Search engines can discover PWAs. A PWA works smoothly with a regular SEO, which can result in much less reliance on paid acquisition and many more users than the app store.
6.Self updatable
Once installed, the app can update itself when online. This means users can access content even in conditions of poor connectivity.
7.Very safe
PWAs uses HTTPS, so unauthorized users cannot access their content.
8. Ultimately flexible
A PWA works on any device, whether it is a smartphone, tablet, or the computer.
Interest in this technology is increasing. Although PWAs are still in their infancy, with a lot of challenges to be solved, they have the potential to create a shift in the way the web works.