
In Wisconsin, Putting Lives at Risk to Vote

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In Wisconsin, Putting Lives at Risk to Vote

Readers express dismay at the decision of state officials and the Supreme Court to go ahead with Tuesday’s primary and local elections.

To the Editor:

Re “In Wisconsin, a Voting Fight for a Virus Era” (front page, April 7):

I am trying to understand the Supreme Court’s decision to enforce in-person voting Tuesday in Wisconsin during a pandemic. How many people are too sick to vote? How many people have no way to get to a polling place, because their local polling place is closed? A lot of voters are being disenfranchised in Wisconsin. I can only surmise that this is, indeed, the point of enforcing the vote instead of delaying it.

I am not surprised by the Wisconsin Legislature, but I expected common sense and decency from the U.S. Supreme Court.

Tracey Fine
Madison, Wis.

To the Editor:

Let’s see. Affix mask, pull on plastic gloves, take my virus-free black ink pen … All ready to go do my civic duty.

Kathryn Herman
Waukesha, Wis.

To the Editor:

Wisconsin’s experience should be instructive. All 50 states should begin now to put in place a legal, foolproof and secure mail-in ballot system for Nov. 3.

Betsy Britton
South Setauket, N.Y.

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